Three full days of competition... multiple events... a number of costume changes... two overnighters in a hotel... and...
Two very excited little girls who ROCKED their routines!
Libby placed third in her open solo (first competition!), and she did a GREAT job. She looked adorable, was all smiles for her judges, and declared that she wants to do another competition. And soon.
Josie placed 'top five' in her open solo, and won THIRD PLACE in her pageant (a combination of her scores in modeling/ poise, strut/ march, and solo twirling routine) Which, by the way, is not really a 'pageant', in the traditional sense. Or the 'Toddlers and Tiaras' sense. (Have you *seen* this nightmare?)
Anyway, I digress... Third place, people!! In her division. At the freakin' state competition.
Now if you're not in the 'twirling world' (and why would you be, really? Unless you like sparkly outfits. Because there are quite a few of *those* in the twirling world ;), you might not understand how big of a deal that is for a girl that has only been competing for 3 and a half months. It's huge. And that's not just 'mommy pride' talking. Really.
She has already promised her Uncle Chris free tickets to the Texas games when she becomes the feature twirler for UT. ;)
Thanks for the good wishes sent their way, the phone calls to check in, and the text messages of congratulations. We are pretty proud of both of them.
And what, pray tell, is a brother to do during all this?
Well, Davis was a trooper, and enjoyed his run of Freeman Coliseum. And if he wasn't running up and down the stairs, taking Libby on 'an adventure' (her words), or sitting next to his Dad making comments while Phil was videotaping ("C'mon, Josie! No drops!!")... well, he could usually be found here...
A little Super Mario Bros. can make even a twirling competition seem tolerable. ;)