Monday, October 12, 2009

Doesn't it just give you the warm fuzzies?!

For a little 'mini' project at school, Davis has to make a collage of pictures from his life.

And I definitely call it a 'mini' project because it did not require 14 trips to Hobby Lobby and/or Michael's, it did not cost me a week's worth of Starbucks for the cost of the supplies, and I will not have to deliver it to the front door of the school, leaving my van running to open the door for my child as he precariously balances it against his chest, all the while saying a silent prayer that it makes it to his classroom in one piece.

So a collage of pictures? No problem. We've got pictures...(boy, do we have pictures)...and I majored in 'Collage' in college. (okay, well maybe not, but I *did* take an art elective at UT, and my semester final was... you guessed it. A collage. So, technically, I'm over-qualified for this gig.)

Looking back through pictures of Davis when he was little was making me a bit wistful.

Thinking back to when he was tiny, and still had his pacifier. (I'm not sure I have very many pictures before the age of 18 months without it planted firmly in his mouth.)

Or when we cut his baby fine hair at a year old so that it would be a 'spike do'. Omigosh... those are still some of my favorite pictures.

Or the pictures of him being 'big brother' at the very mature age of two years old, and he would ask to "hode Wibby"... awww!

With every picture, I was saying, "Oh, Davis! Look at you! Oh, you were so little! Look, Josie... look at this one!"

Josie was sitting at the table, working on her homework, catching quick glances of all the pictures I was holding up of her brother, and she says, "Yep. That's really hard to believe."

Me: "That he was ever that little?"

Josie: "No. That he was ever cute."



Jen said...


I was remembering Davis when he was little too as you described the pictures. I however, always thought he was cute!!

sarah. said...

aw :)
Claire doesn't want any baby pictures on her school poster because "it's going to be up all week, and that would be embarrassing"