Friday, February 26, 2010

Football fever...

My boy has football on the brain.

I guess we should have seen it coming. We *do* live in Texas, and it’s not exactly like we are adverse to football around here. In fact, in the Linson household, we love college football, and I do mean LOVE (all in caps, of course).

Well to be perfectly honest, we love Texas Longhorn football. And we watch other teams play, with a running discourse on the effect that their outcomes will have on our beloved Horns. I mean, I’m just sayin’.

Davis has really started taking an interest in football in the last year, and you can find him sitting next to his daddy on the couch on any given Saturday in the fall. He asks endless questions about yardage and downs and penalties. He collects football cards, and pores over the players’ stats. He asks random strangers who their favorite teams are. He is a little football sponge.

Which I think is perfectly precious, until… until he starts asking us to sign him up to play football.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve met my son, or seen him lately. But while I (and his pediatrician) fully expect him at some point to be as tall as his dad, he hasn’t hit that growth spurt quite yet. So yeah, he’s about in the 15th percentile.

My boy is skiiiiiinny. I mean, we DO feed him. And he eats. Boy, can that kid eat. (Just ask anyone that has had him over for an afternoon playdate or a sleepover, and then had to make a run to H.E.B.)

But he still has the metabolism of a spider monkey on crack.

So I’m not exactly in my comfort zone, thinking about my precious baby boy, out on a football field. I would be a basket case, watching him (even decked out in helmet and pads) playing against kids that are twice his size. The first time I saw someone take him out, I’d have to go all ‘Momma Bear’ on their little ass.

Right now, football is not in the cards. Just the thought of my little guy taking shots out on the field is more than I can fathom. Just to get through one game, I’d have to take a few shots of my own.

From a bottle of tequila.

And they kind of frown on that at school sponsored events.


Anonymous said...

Check out NFL flag football. CJ played last year and loved it. Plus, you get a heavy-duty reversible jersey AND you get to play with a mouth guard. :-) -- cj

Stacy said...

I am with you sister! No football. There are just too many chances for injury. Adam will have to stuff me full of Valium if Andrew ever wants to play football.

Kris Van Allen said...

silly, why do you think they put Sonic slushes in "so you can't see into it" styrofoam cups??

Amy said...

FLAG football, girl! The NFL program is excellent :-D

Anonymous said...

I can certainly understand your reservations. But...better than ice hockey, no? That sport is BRUTAL!