Friday, July 15, 2011

Curious Coupons

Checking the mail around here, as you may remember from previous posts, is a pretty infrequent occurrence. In fact, when I checked it yesterday, Josie actually said, “Why are we checking the mail? Didn’t we just check it two days ago??” She seemed a little concerned. Like I was waiting for something suspect to show up in our itsy-bitsy mailbox. Because she knows all the good stuff gets delivered directly to the door, via UPS or Fedex, and what can possibly be worth heading to the mailbox TWICE in one week?? I’m raising snail mail snobs.

All that is to preface this…without fail, in the last three months, I have received weekly coupons in the mail. Not necessarily unusual.

Except that they are coupons for Similac baby formula.

I find this incredibly odd. Especially since my ‘baby’ is 6 and a half years old. And she’s never had an ounce of formula in her life.

My first two kidlets had formula after they were weaned from my own Special Blend (which was a heady concoction of Diet Coke and Snickers bars, otherwise known as the ‘sleep deprivation diet’) at around 8 and 6 months, respectively. We made the switch to mostly solid foods then, and then switched exclusively to milk in a Sippy cup upon their first birthdays. But the youngest? She was a champion nurser, and weaned right at a year.

Basically, we just never had to buy very much formula. No one had food allergies, either, so we were blessed that we never had to buy the special (read: ‘uberexpensive’) brands, either.

What makes the coupons even more curious? They are addressed to me, with my name spelled correctly (unusual in itself) and each one highlights the age of my ‘baby’. Today’s coupon mentioned all the things my baby can do now that he/she is 3 months old!

Oh, it also mentioned that I was probably thinking about heading back to work after my maternity leave… which has lasted approximately 11 years.

I have to say, though… this ‘mystery baby’ has been the cheapest and easiest baby so far. I credit the coupons.

What I don’t understand is why companies don't send out coupons for what new moms (and seasoned moms, for that matter) really need?

-A Bottle of red wine

-a new tube of lipstick (sometimes that’s the only makeup we have time for!)

-Diet Coke and Snickers bars

-a gravity-defying bra to lift those puppies back up where they belong

Sign me up for that mailing list.


Wendy said...

Let me know if you need a home for those coupons! Only 3 1/2 more months! Dang that stuff is expensive!

Shanda Boatright said...

Your too funny! Ironically enough, I started getting Infamil coupons right before we moved. I was puzzled, but didn't pay it to much attention. Then a few weeks ago, I started getting Infamil e-mails on what to expect from my nine-month old. WTF. I just unsubscribed myself. They are obviously working off an old list, Lol!

Anonymous said...

I had a subscription to BABY magazine sent to me this year. It is free but not sure how it came to me. I also get diaper and formula coupons. Thankfully I have friends who just had babies so I just pass them along. The odd thing is my friends who are new moms get nothing!!

Proud of you for checking your mail so regularly!!
