Sunday, September 19, 2010

What I would like to know-

What I would like to know…

Is *WHY*…even after giving your child cough medicine for their nagging allergy cough…

even after putting a trash can next to their bed in case they get the ‘allergy gags’ in the middle of the night…

even AFTER you have told said child that "here is a trash can… RIGHT NEXT to you in case you feel a little sick to your stomach from the coughing… and the running around, playing football… and, um… the churro you ate…”


Do children insist on coming directly to your bedside in the middle of the night to say, “I don’t think I feel so-“

Great. Juuuuust great.

Nothing like the unfortunately all-too-familiar splattering sound right next to your bed.

I’m sorry, folks. Disgusting visual, I know, but not nearly as disgusting as cleaning up churro-laced vomit with a Shop-Vac at 1:00 a.m. (I’m guessing… since Phil is the one on puke duty around here.)

When asked why he didn’t just use the trash can that was right next to his bed? (and no, it wasn’t that mesh one that I bought at IKEA, either)… his answer?

“It wasn’t big enough.”

Clearly the just-recently-cleaned carpet next to Momma and Daddy’s bed was the better choice.



Laurie K said...

I've also noticed that my tank tops with the built-in shelf bra that I sleep in are a target zone.
On the plus side, that handy little built-in bra holds in the yuk until I get to the shower.
Ah - the joys of motherhood....

Staci said...

Now *that* is a disgusting visual!!

Laurie K said...

It's even more disgusting in reality.