Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Confession time...

It's 8:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving 'eve', and I really haven't gotten much done yet.

The shopping is finished (yay!), and there is a pumpkin pie in the oven, but other than that...

1. The house is still a complete and total wreck.

2. I still have orders to enter for a Thirty-One party.

3. Laundry? Don't even get me started.

4. The floor needs to be mopped, the bathrooms need to be cleaned, and I need to prep my brussel sprouts casserole (shut up. It's delicious.)

On the plus side?



Give me a minute....


Let me think...

Oh yeah! I took a really cute picture of the kids today. Here it is...

Proof positive that I actually accomplished something that is normally next-to-impossible.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

1 comment:

sarah. said...

It's a good day then. Who needs clean laundry on Thanksgiving anyway?