Sunday, July 11, 2010

A singularly distracting day...

I just finished reading ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’ by Audrey Niffenegger. Yeah, yeah, I know it was published over seven years ago…I’ve been busy, okay?

And that book? Well, it exhausted me. Perhaps because I read it in its entirety in a day and a half… but most likely because it involved all that TIME TRAVEL and everything?

Which I should have suspected from the title, I admit.

My brain hurts from trying to figure out the time continuum, and the loops and whorls in this book. “And if he’s here, how can he also be there?! And which Henry is which? And dear Lord, is he naked again?” Oh yes.

There was a lot of nakedness in this particular tome. And NOT the kind of naked *you’re* thinking about. And this nakedness (not to be confused with ‘nekkidness’… which is a whole ‘nother story) was such a distraction to me, the reader, that I found myself flipping back through the pages to uncover (oh, pun!) how exactly the main character manages to get himself clothed during his traverses through time. Because, evidently, you can’t time travel and keep your Dockers intact. It makes sense if you think about it. Which I did. Hence the headache I am currently sporting.

Don’t get me wrong. I usually enjoy a little ‘naked’ in a good book. Ooooh… too much information? Sorry. Scratch that.

But isn’t it weird that THAT is what I took away from this book? This book that is essentially a love story? A story about a love that transcends the boundaries of time, and age, and yada, yada, yada…?

I’m sure there were so many deep literary themes of love and loyalty and ageless beauty that simply passed me by because I was so obsessed with this issue of clothing.

I never saw the movie (starring Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana… thank you IMDb!) My guess is, though, that the producers saved a couple of bucks in the wardrobe department.

In fact, I never really had much of a desire to see the movie after I heard a friend of mine say that he wished he could be a time traveler after watching the movie. Not because it was such a romantic notion, mind you. It was so he could travel back two hours, and save the $10 he spent on the ticket. Then again, most movies based on books tend to disappoint, so no surprises there.

Not to say that I didn’t enjoy the book, and its twists and turns along the way. And even though I, personally, found the ending immensely dissatisfying, I had to admire the author’s creativity and way of surprising the reader by suddenly revealing events about which details had only been hinted before.

It was a pretty good read, and on the whole, I would recommend it.

And that’s the… oh, dare I say it?…

That's the ‘naked’ truth. ;)


Brittany said...

I just finished reading it for the second time, and it was so much better. Although, I loved it the first time. I have not seen the movie either, because I'm scared that it will ruin my love for the book. But it really was a lot better the second time and flowed much better and made a lot more sense. So give it another chance! Just maybe not in a day and half this time!

Staci said...

Hi Brittany, I'm sure I'll read it again... I'm a big 're-reader'. And, on the whole, I did enjoy it, but I think I'll steer clear of the movie, too! Read about your move... I hope you have lots of luck finding a job :)

Kris Van Allen said...

I really liked the book, and was crying at the ending. Not sure I'll re-read it, though. And won't see the movie, after hearing it just didn't measure up.

Bonnie said...

Didn't read the book, but saw the movie. Wouldn't see it again, it wasn't that memorable. The nakedness was creepy and it sure wasn't a 'feel good' movie.

sarah. said...

There's always too many holes in time travel stories for me. The whole no clothes thing would bother me too. I mean, they figured out how everything else works with time travel, could they not figure out the clothes thing too?!