Thursday, August 6, 2009

And now... for tonight's 'Top Ten List':

The top ten reasons why I blog…

10. Because the voices in my head tell me to.

9. Because it’s significantly cheaper than therapy.

8. Because I hope to be a constant source of embarrassment to my children as they get older. (I think I’ve gotten an admirable start…)

7. Because I don’t have a job. (good thing? bad thing? Depends on the day, I guess)

6. Because I can vent about completely random crap, and know that someone, somewhere ‘gets’ me.

5. Because I can’t figure out that damn Twitter business.

4. Because my husband has been listening to me for the last 19 years, and is tired of hearing my stories. (Shocking, I know! Both that we’ve been together for almost 2 decades AND that he could possibly be weary of the softly lilting sound of my voice ;)

3. Because it helps me avoid cleaning the bathrooms. (Toilet brush or keyboard? Hmmm, that’s a tough one…)

2. Because when I’m old & senile, I can only hope that Phil will read my old blogs to me in the nursing home, just like in ‘The Notebook’. (*sob)

1. Because I’m much better looking (and skinnier!) on ‘Planet Linson’ (there’s that whole gravitational thing.)


Wendy said...

Are you not teaching classes at Archivers anymore??? My family loves taking classes with you as our teacher!

jen said...

I am glad you write a blog, it is on my Top 10 things I look forward to everyday!!


Uncle Dave said...

You should add some sound bytes to your blog page. Then we all could hear your "softly lilting voice".