Thursday, September 17, 2009


WHAT is going on lately?!! It's been almost a week since I've posted... AGAIN!

I honestly thought I'd have more time once the kids got back into school... hmmm. Adn why did I think that? Not sure.

I think it is also your fault. Just a little.

You people are falling down on your duties. Yes, you. What duties, you may be asking?

Why, your COMMENTING duties, of course.

Oh yes, you've gotten a little lackadaisacal (I'm not sure that's spelled correctly, but I'm too lazy... or lackadaisical?... to look it up) with your comments.

You come... you read... you leave. *sob!

I love your comments. Yes, you, specifically. You know who you are.

And, don't have to comment on every post. Really.

Just every 3rd one.

So don't make me have to come kick your non-commenting little boo-tay.

And... go!


Jen said...

Missed your blogs and hope that others step up so I don't have to wait so long inbetween !!!!!!!!!!!


Bonnie said...

Well! I'm gonna comment the hell outta your blog now, girlie! you just wait!
Good to see you again today and BTW whatever happened with your novel?

rusty said...

Oops, my bad. You could have just sent all that in an email instead of blogging, since I *know* you were directing that at *me*. :-)

Bonnie said...

still no new stuff, c'mon - it's Friday!!!