Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh, I get it... it's 'after noon'!

Davis: "When is it going to be afternoon? I'm only asking because I looove the afternoon! The afternoon is my favorite time of day. Afternoons are awesome."

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that when he woke me up at 6:30 this morning, asking when we could go to Target for him to spend one of his birthday giftcards, I'm pretty sure I mumbled, "In the afternoon..."

AND I'm almost certain that when he came back 15 minutes later to see if he could eat a Hostess cupcake for breakfast, I told him he could have one for an afternoon snack.

Which all in all, makes me pretty positive that I'll be spending at least part of my afternoon at Target, wandering the toy aisles with a sugar-buzzed 7 year old boy.


jen said...

Sounds like a fun after "noon" at least for Davis it should be fun!!

sarah. said...

you make me chuckle :)