Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ten reasons I'm glad I'm not pregnant.

Reasons I am glad I’m not pregnant…

(Not that I thought I was. So spare me *those* phone calls.)

1. Well, obviously… duh.

2. Everyone has their own bedroom currently. Except for me, and I don’t mind sharing it with my fellow babymaker.

3. I don’t have a stroller anymore in my van. Suck it, Graco.

4. I enjoy my margaritas a little too much. And cigarettes. (Okay, I don’t smoke, and I never have. But I at least have the option. ;)5.

5. Despite being crazy nauseated throughout each of my pregnancies, and throwing up on a daily basis for the first 14 weeks of each, I still managed to gain an ungodly amount of weight with each one. And it was progressively more each time. One more, and I had the potential to be as round as I am tall.

6. No more diapers. Bite me, Huggies.

7. Leaky boobs. 'Nuff said.

8. My kids are all at fun ages now… young enough to still want to hang out with their family, and old enough that we just pack up and go. No sippy cups. No diaper bags. No missed naps to stress about. (although, I admit… I *do* miss the naps)

9. I’m finished with hideous maternity clothes. And granny panties.

10. If I were pregnant, those three eggs that fell out of the carton and splattered all over the floor about ten minutes ago would just have to stay there until Phil came home from work to clean them up.

Oooh, this has been fun! Stay tuned for future lists entitled:

--Even more reasons I'm glad I'm not pregnant

--Reasons I'm Celebrating that I don't have a Newborn.

--Top ten comebacks for people that say, "You look so natural holding that (borrowed) baby! Are you sure you don't want to have another one?!!"


Shanda Boatright said...

Too funny, I can't wait for the day to be done with diapers, carseats and leaky sippy cups in my purse!

Can't wait to see your future posts!

Stacy said...

Hallelujah sister! I feel the same way (even though I only have one and he still naps). Love holding those sweet little babies, love handing them back to their mommas even more.

Katey said...

now working at an OBGYN office, i get to see and hear all the terrible things about being pregnt i cannot imagine why a women would want to...until you see her baby. aw. cute and sweet then ...wait..baby vomit.

then again back to me...babyless. relief.

ps love the post!

jen said...

Agreed to all of them. Every Thanksgiving I always say that I am thankful I don't have to experience child birth again.

Unknown said...

Hahaha... Umm... yeah :)

I still think you should blog about being a stage mom! You cracked me up all day just being there. I can't imagine what you would say in a blog post