Thursday, March 25, 2010

I couldn't do this if you paid me.

Yes, you *do* have to turn your head aaaaaaaaalll the way to the side to watch this video. I don't know how to turn it, or if that's even possible.

Sorry 'bout that.

Yes, you *do* have to look at my huge expanse of WHITE wall because we still haven't gotten around to picking a new paint color.

Sooo... sorry.

Yes, you *do* have to gasp and admire my kid's ability to throw a baton up in the air, spin around, and catch it. I mean... she's NINE, people.


Yes, I *am* bragging.

And I'm not sorry about that at all. ;)


Katey said...


Jen said...

That is awesome!! Your daughter is quite talented.

Way to go Josie.

Jen and the gang

Unknown said...

Tell her to toss on her toes and end with her feet together :) haha... next stop 2 turns

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. UT band here she comes!!