Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And the new year cometh...

Ah… it’s back to school today. Hold on just one sec while I do a little dance…

Okay… back.

And here was my early morning conversation with my son…

Him: I hate school.

Me: No, you don’t. You LOVE school. You like your teacher. You like to see your friends. You love to read. What’s not to love about school? *I* love your school. Today, more than ever.

Him: It’s just all that learning. I don’t get why we have to go to school.

Me: Well, you have to learn. Otherwise, you’ll grow up being ignorant and illiterate.

Him: Huh?

Me: Ignorant. And illiterate. It basically means that you’ll be unable to read and write very well, and that you won’t have the basic skills or knowledge that you need when you grow up.
Like knowing, for instance, that giving your kids a tattoo is NOT a good idea. (Yesterday’s blog, people. If you read it EVERY day, you wouldn’t get confused! ;)

Him: Huh?! I just wish there was no school. Or that we only went to school one day, and that we had vacation every other day, and I could stay home and play the Wii. I just don’t want to go to school.

(Sidenote: This is the point where my patience has worn thin, and I start to get a little sarcastic. Probably not helping the situation much, but it was early, not to mention cold. And I was tired, and a little cranky, myself. I’m not sure if someone messed with my alarm clock over the break, but it was especially loud this morning.)

Me: Well, I understand that it’s early in the morning, and that you may not want to go to school, but once again, I am not raising a child that is ignorant or illiterate. So if you live here, you HAVE to go to school. Hmmmmm… what are our options, bud?

Him (thinking...): Who are you giving me away to?

Damn. I think I’ve met my match with this kid.


Anonymous said...

Too funny. He sure is quick on his his feet.

jen said...

The message was mine. I forgot to put my name.


Jackson Family said...

If you plan on handing him off to us, warn him that elementary school, middle school, high school and college are required. I do need to make sure that my children have the financial resources needed to take care of me when I am old (I'd prefer it be better than the manner to which I am accustomed)!