Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh, *that* explains it!

I know it’s going to come as a complete shock… but sometimes, I say things. Sarcastic things.

Whoa, whoa… I know. Hard to believe, right?! And sometimes I say these sarcastic things to my children. Off the cuff, ‘cause that’s just how I roll. I’m funny like that. Or at least I like to *think* I’m funny like that.

For example, a month or so ago, I was making spaghetti for dinner. (No, Jen, not with the delicious homemade sauce that is your recipe. Sadly, it was just me and Mr. Ragu throwing together a quick dinner for the troops before basketball practice/ twirling lessons/ PTA meeting/ fill in the blank.)

Davis: Why don’t we ever have meatballs? We only ever have sauce with little pieces of meat (ground meat) in it.”

Me: “Oh, honey, didn’t you know? Meatballs are only for rich people. We’re not rich, so we can only have meat sauce.”

Davis: “Oh.”

Phil (doing his ‘fierce whisper’): “Jeez, honey…don’t tell him that!”

Me (as close to a whisper as I can muster because we all know how my voice CAAARRIES): “Oh, stop… he knows I’m playing around.”

So last week, we were at the store, and I was doing my usual litany of “No, we’re not here to buy a Wii game. They’re expensive, and we only buy things like that on special occasions, like your birthday or Christmas.” (Or when Spring Break rolls around, and Mommy has gotten completely fed up with the bickering.)

Besides you still have games you got for Christmas where you haven’t completely kicked Mommy’s butt yet.” (See? That whole sarcasm angle I was talking about? It’s true, though. They *do* totally kick my butt in those games.)

Davis: “Well, I understand that we can’t get a new game. But…

…how much are meatballs?”

Um…yeah. Which explains why if you ever have Davis over for dinner, and you just *happen* to be serving spaghetti and meatballs, he will probably just stand there, gazing at those meatballs in total awe…

And then he will invite you to his birthday party. ;)


Jen said...

It is funny what our kids remember. Do they remeber to brush their teeth each day, NO, but they will always remember that having meatballs means you are rich!!!
For his birthday you should just give him a plate of meatballs!!

Rob said...

True story.

While I was reading that, I was eating...


Stacy said...

I am bringing spaghetti with meatballs over on Saturday nite! Poor deprived child!